
Multi-triggering variables

Use the Variable Wizard to seamlessly access variables from multiple Triggers of the same type. Any Trigger that initiates a workflow will populate a common variable.

Multi-trigger variables for an automated Task

While in most cases you will opt for multi-trigger variables, it is possible to use variables from standalone Triggers, too. To access variables from individual Triggers, simply expand the "More · standalone Triggers" category.

Usage examples…

  • Use multiple File & Folder Watcher Triggers within a single Task to monitor various locations on the disk or network.
  • Create an automated Task with multiple FTP Watchers to seamlessly act on new files from various remote servers.
  • The multi-triggering feature allows your workflow to monitor multiple services or programs and automatically act on them in a predefined manner, eliminating the need for creating separate workflows for each service or process.

Detailed help…

Visit detailed online help knowledge base:

  • Desktop Shortcut · create an icon on the desktop to start a Task.
  • Tray Icon · pin and launch Tasks from Tray Icon.
  • Batch Run · allows running Tasks from batch files or any app.
  • Multi-triggering · simplify your workflows that have multiple Triggers.
  • Triggers · more ways to launch Tasks automatically, such as, on schedule, on file changes, and more.
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Recent news
  • March 20, 2024
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v7.6.0 brings new and improved Actions, new remote features, multiple bug fixes. Numerous interface and security improvements.
  • May 26, 2023
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v7.0.0 offers new actions for managing Windows services and applications, enhanced FTP/cloud operations, UI fixes, and improvements in the Variable Wizard and Advanced Fallback handling.
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I love the Automation Workshop. Its so easy to use. It's one of the few products that really delivers what it promises.—Jayne B.
Last updated: March 20, 2024
Jul 27, 2024 · 05:42
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