
Free Edition?

Automation Workshop Free Edition is distributed as freeware to individuals for personal use only. The software may not be used in context of any kinds of public or private companies or institutions.

As an individual you may download the software for non-commercial use on your personal or home computer. The non-commercial use means that Automation Workshop Free Edition is only used for purposes that are neither directly nor indirectly paid.

Allowed use

  • for home network and home server automation;
  • to automate tasks in private PC and/or laptop;
  • for private web server automation;
  • to perform data backup for friends and family;
  • to automatically email pictures to your friends;
  • by official non-profit organizations;
  • by individual or group of individuals that maintain free open source or freeware projects;
  • at home or at work for testing and prototyping Tasks, also demonstrating Automation Workshop (if it does not involve production data/services);
  • at home or at work by editors, reviewers and media/press representatives while reviewing/testing Automation Workshop (if it does not involve production data/services).

Forbidden use

  • at work to automatically email documents to colleagues;
  • at home to prepare any data for work;
  • at work for any reason (except cases of allowed use above).

Commercial use

The use of the software is considered commercial if it involves indirect payments:

  • The individual sells software or services and uses Automation Workshop Free Edition to facilitate, automate or optimize these activities;
  • The individual uses Automation Workshop Free Edition installed on home computer to process work-related files, data and emails;
  • The software is used within or in relation to any private or public company (except cases of allowed use above).


Automation Workshop Free Edition may not be used as a part of a more complex solution that is provided on commercial basis. No payment, salary, compensation or other financial transaction may be associated with the use of the software.

If commercial use of the software is required, please consider obtaining the license for using commercial edition of Automation Workshop at Febooti Software website.

Febooti Software reserves the right to further clarify the terms of non-commercial product use at its sole determination. If you are not sure if your case qualifies, do not hesitate to ask.

We're growing fast. Thank you!
Awesome in automation!
Recent news
  • March 20, 2024
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v7.6.0 brings new and improved Actions, new remote features, multiple bug fixes. Numerous interface and security improvements.
  • May 26, 2023
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v7.0.0 offers new actions for managing Windows services and applications, enhanced FTP/cloud operations, UI fixes, and improvements in the Variable Wizard and Advanced Fallback handling.
  • May 25, 2023
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v6.5.0 adds 2 new Triggers—Service Monitor and Process & App Monitor. 5 new Actions—Start & Stop Service, Service Maintenance, List Services, Terminate App, and List Apps.
Automation Workshop has allowed me to move towards the goal of a completely automated computer activities. Enjoy the life!—Frank M.
Last updated: March 20, 2024
Jul 27, 2024 · 06:27
0.022 · 0.000
0.6 · 7.5