
User Logon & Logoff

Track users logging in and out of the system with freeware User Logon & Logoff application that is integrated in Automation Workshop Free Edition, a Windows automation software. User Logon & Logoff detects when a particular or any user logs into or out of Windows and initiates the associated Task.

Free User Logon & Logoff Trigger

Oftentimes, it is necessary to perform some operations upon user login or logoff. From tracking of user login & logoff to copying files, sending emails, executing scripts, that all can be done with Automation Workshop Free Edition. Free User Login & Logoff Trigger monitors the system continuously to run the Task as soon as user logs into or out of the system.

Automation examples…

Freeware User Logon & Logoff Trigger detects logins and logouts of Windows users to initiate the automated Task when username and activity match the settings.

  • Record Windows login & logout times.
  • Send email notification about logon or logoff of particular user.
  • Perform file operations or custom scripts whenever user enters or exits the system.

Detailed help…

Detailed overview of free User Logon & Logoff Trigger including the description of minute details is available on the website of commercial version of Automation Workshop.

  • Overview · free User Logon & Logoff Trigger features and usage summary.
  • User · specify to detect particular or all users logging in or out the system.
  • Options · set triggering delay and enable or disable the User Logon & Logoff Trigger.
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Recent news
  • March 20, 2024
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v7.6.0 brings new and improved Actions, new remote features, multiple bug fixes. Numerous interface and security improvements.
  • May 26, 2023
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v7.0.0 offers new actions for managing Windows services and applications, enhanced FTP/cloud operations, UI fixes, and improvements in the Variable Wizard and Advanced Fallback handling.
  • May 25, 2023
    Automation Workshop Free Edition v6.5.0 adds 2 new Triggers—Service Monitor and Process & App Monitor. 5 new Actions—Start & Stop Service, Service Maintenance, List Services, Terminate App, and List Apps.
Automation Workshop is an awesome piece of software—love the intuitiveness, flexibility and simplicity.—Howard C.
Last updated: March 20, 2024
Jul 27, 2024 · 06:11
0.021 · 0.000
0.6 · 7.5